Thanks to YOUR protests by blastfax and phone (when you can get them to answer!) the House just voted 221-202 to strip a military amnesty provision from the 2016 NDAA annual defense bill pushed by GOP "Leadership" that would have rubberstamped Obama's Executive actions to allow young illegal alien "DREAMers" enlistment in the military as a "pathway to citizenship"… one ALREADY provided for strictly at the discretion OF THE MILITARY. We MUST keep YOUR pressure on the whole Congress, if WE ARE TO RIGHTLY GUIDE THE ACTIONS OF THEIR OTHERWISE TERRIBLE "LEADERSHIP"! CASE IN POINT: The Army has enlisted more than 80 DACA recipients since January via the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest program due to either medical training or valuable language skills. The NDAA provision could have been just one more Republican "Leadership's" UNNECESSARY, retroactive endorsement of Obama's UNLAWFUL amnesties, but thanks to YOU it wasn't… However, we ARE NOT out of danger yet with this bill still needing to pass the House floor vote and then who knows WHAT fights we face when it comes to RECONCILIATION with the quisling Senate! STAVE OFF ANY LAST MINUTE GOP BACKTRACKING WHEN IT COMES TO STANDING AGAINST OBAMNESTY. HELP KEEP UP OUR FIGHT TO GET ALL CAPITOL HILL REPUBLICANS COMMITTED TO H. CON. RES. 28 DECLARING OBAMA AMNESTY UNCONSTITUTIONAL! BLASTFAX YOUR SUPPORT FOR STANDING UP FOR RULE OF LAW AND SECURE BORDERS! TWENTY REPUBLICANS VOTED WITH ALL DEMOCRATS TO PROTECT THE OBAMNESTY ENDORSEMENT: Reps. Mike Coffman - CO, Carlos Curbelo - FL, Jeff Denham - CA, Charlie Dent - PA, Mario Diaz-Balart - FL, Bob Dold - IL, Chris Gibson - NY, Richard Hanna - NY, Jaime Herrera Beutler - WA,  John Katko - NY, Adam Kinzinger - IL, Frank LoBiondo - NJ, Tom MacArthur - NJ, Martha McSally - AZ, Dan Newhouse - WA, Dave Reichert - WA, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - FL, Elise Stefanik - NY, Fred Upton - MI, and David Valadao - CA "There is no military recruitment and retention deficit that justifies supplanting Americans and lawful immigrants with illegal aliens," Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said during floor debate in defense of his now-passed, DREAMer amnesty-scrapping amendment. This is NOT about providing citizenship inducements to illegal aliens to serve in our armed forces – itself a practice worthy of debate. This is about the GOP once again stabbing US in the back on Executive Amnesty and KISSING Obama's imperial ring! BUT THOSE TWENTY REPUBLICANS WORRIED ABOUT POLITICKING FOR 2016 DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THAT… ONLY YOUR PETITIONS WILL HELP GET THEM BACK IN LINE WITH VOTING AMERICANS! Remember, we are learning that the Department of Homeland Security – according to the agency's inspector general John Roth – DOES NOT MAINTAIN DATA ON HOW MANY ILLEGALS ARE BEING ALLOWED TO STAY IN THE U.S. UNDER OBAMA'S ‘PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION.' If we don't know how many… how do we know who they are… and HOW TO FIND THEM if OBAMNESTY LOSES IN COURT? MAKE NO MISTAKE: Keeping the GOP from rubberstamping Obamnesty, however necessary, is just maintaining the status quo in our fight for secure borders and a rule of law that PUTS AMERICANS FIRST. And there is critical work to be done to STOP OBAMA'S LAWLESSNESS!
AFTER THE FEB. 16 COURT INJUNCTION AGAINST DOING SO… AFTER ALREADY HAVING BEEN REPRIMANDED BY THE COURT FOR PREMATURE APPROVALS OF SUCH AMNESTIES NOT SCHEDULED TO START BEFORE THE END OF FEBRUARY. Obama thinks 'rule of law' is just for the little people… and NOW the GOP Establishment wants to rubberstamp Obama's lawlessness with retroactive approval in the NDAA! We need your help to SHUT THEM ALL DOWN!
AND WITH GOP 'LEADERS' AIDING AND ABETTING OBAMA, WE'RE NOT ONE STEP CLOSER TO SECURING OUR BORDERS WHILE LATEST DATA SHOWS NEARLY ALL NEW JOBS ARE GOING TO FOREIGN BORN INDIVIDUALS, NOT AMERICANS! Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called the latest instance of amnesty lawlessness "remarkable"… WE call it appalling! IS ANYONE REALLY SURPRISED THAT THE TYRANNICAL OBAMA AND HIS ADMINISTRATION ARE REFUSING TO ABIDE BY THE COURT WHEN THEY CONSISTENTLY FAIL TO HONOR THE CONSTITUTION, THE WILL OF CONGRESS OR THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? CONGRESS MUST FIGHT BACK – NOT PROVIDE OBAMA WITH 'LEGAL' COVER! Judge Andrew Hanen, who is presiding over this case in which our fed-up states are CHALLENGING Obama's Big Government amnesty sweep, had already been considering SANCTIONS against Obama's Justice Department lawyers for misleading him with the first batch of errant amnesty approvals… But while this case plays out in court, MORE AMNESTY treachery is afoot on Capitol Hill THIS COMING WEEK as Congress is slated to consider H.R. 1735, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2016 – and with it not just a rubberstamp of Obama's already in-effect military amnesty, but AN EXPANSION…
"It would not be accepted by the House. I've got to have a House agreement; they would never agree to putting that on the NDAA," McCain said. "If I put it on the defense bill, what happens in the House? The whole bill crashes." "The defense bill is for defense, not for Dreamers." HOLD QUISLING McCAIN AND THE WHOLE CONGRESS TO IT! Regardless of McCain's MERCENARY motive of naked political self-preservation, in our current CORRUPT Congress, he provides CRITICAL Senate support in stopping this bill… But McCain's blatantly calculated amnesty "resistance" will only last so long as HE and other Establishment Republicans facing reelection in 2016 HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. Over in the House, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is already drafting an amendment to REMOVE the NDAA amnesty should it get passed by the often devious McCain… On the other hand, Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA) – up for reelection in 2016 and with a large Hispanic population to appease – is drafting an amendment to ADD military amnesty should it not be handed down from the Senate, a proposal that CAN BE BLOCKED from any House floor vote by the Rules Committee! The House Rules Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee WILL deal with the 2016 NDAA – military amnesty and all – as soon as early NEXT WEEK. It is imperative that ahead of this fight, ALL 100 Senators and ALL 435 House Representatives HEAR the will of the American People TO REJECT MILITARY AMNESTY AND DEMAND SECURE BORDERS!
This is NOT about providing citizenship inducements to illegal aliens to serve in our armed forces – itself a practice worthy of debate. This is about the GOP once again stabbing US in the back on Executive Amnesty and KISSING Obama's imperial ring… Let's be clear about what's afoot: Title 10 of EXISTING federal law already gives the Secretary of Defense discretion on "illegal immigrants" joining the military… rendering this sense of Congress unnecessary EXCEPT that to INCLUDE it provides a stealthy REPUBLICAN validation of Obama's unconstitutional Executive Amnesty decrees… one more "camel's nose" under the tent of SELLING US OUT! This is BETRAYAL of the base that elected a GOP majority to STOP OBAMA – and more specifically to STOP HIS EXECUTIVE AMNESTY rewriting of immigration law! We need your URGENT petitions pouring into Capitol Hill AND Home District Offices RIGHT NOW to stop this quisling perfidy before the Republican Party coalition, so far removed from its grassroots origins, is DESTROYED FOREVER… and becomes nothing more than a "bipartisan" rubberstamp for Barack Obama's amnesty tyranny… This is just one more step in the Republican rollover on "comprehensive" immigration reform unless YOU SLAM ON THE BRAKES! House Speaker John Boehner will decide which NDAA amendments get a vote NEXT WEEK – and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is already promising a "major fight" against this stinking amnesty betrayal… BUT HE NEEDS YOUR HELP! Please, BLAST ALL 435 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS to REJECT THE NDAA MILITARY AMNESTY AMENDMENTS AT ONCE! The Amnesty Department of Defense policy change decreed by Obama BUT NOT YET AUTHORIZED BY CONGRESS is poised to benefit thousands of ILLEGAL ALIENS in the United States allowing them to SERVE OUR NATION IN UNIFORM. By expanding an existing program – Military Accessions in the National Interest or MAVNI – illegal immigrants will be able to join other FOREIGN NATIONALS specifically recruited for high-demand skills such as rare foreign languages or technical or healthcare training. This program is currently capped at 1,500 recruits per year and for now requires that illegal immigrants be approved under Obama's Deferred Action for Child Arrivals or for the most part just claim to have arrived here with their parents before age 16. Most alarmingly however, this program is typically used to recruit aliens with language skills such as ARABIC, CHINESE, PASHTO AND PERSIAN! INTERESTINGLY, this news broke the same day a study was released by the Center for Immigration Studies showing that of the record 41.3 million immigrants in the United States in 2013, the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a MAJOR NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT. "All of that does raise national security concerns, and I don't think there has been any consideration of that," said Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, told Newsmax. THE PROPOSED BROAD MILITARY AMNESTY BETRAYAL WON'T JUST BENEFIT THE KIDS ILLEGALLY PIGGYBACKED OVER HERE BY COYOTES OR THEIR BORDER-JUMPING PARENTS… BUT POTENTIAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, TOO! "The primary threat from a group like ISIS to the homeland is through our immigration system," Camarota noted. "No one's suggesting that they're going to launch a missile and hit New York, but rather they're going to board an airliner and blow it up," he continued. "They're going to park a car in a public place, they're going to go on a shooting spree, or any one of those things. "Our immigration system is a vital part of national security. Everybody doesn't seem to recognize that," Camarota said. "The question is, what are the implications of our rapidly growing Middle Eastern population? The numbers certainly raise it." In a three year period of 2010 – 2013, immigration from the Middle East is up 208,000 or 13 percent growth; and sub-Saharan Africa is up 177,000 also 13 percent growth. A senior Republican aide on Capitol Hill highlighted the national security concerns posed by the CIS study to Newsmax: "This report confronts Congress with important national security and community safety questions… We can't let our immigration system, like that of the U.K.'s, be used as a vehicle for jihadism and growing pockets of radicalism spreading in our own towns." CONGRESS NEEDS TO STOP KISSING OBAMA'S RING, CUT COMPETING WITH THE DEMOCRAT'S 'WE LOVE DIVERSITY' CAMPAIGNING AND GET SERIOUS – THEY MUST COMMIT TO BLOCK OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE ORDER AMNESTY AND SECURE THE BORDERS NOW!
 Judge Hanen is bravely FACING DOWN the intense pressure by the Obama administration to RESTART Executive Amnesty that HALTS DEPORTATIONS for at least FIVE MILLION ILLEGALS… CONGRESS SHOULDN'T BE HELPING OBAMA'S AMNESTY SINK ITS HOOKS INTO OUR MILITARY! "In summary, the chief executive has ordered that the laws requiring removal of illegal immigrants that conflict with the 2014 DHS directive are not to be enforced, and that anyone who attempts to do so will be punished," Judge Hanen wrote. "This is not merely ineffective enforcement. This is total non-enforcement," the judge continued, saying that Mr. Obama's own descriptions of how he is carrying out his policies have hurt his case. Hanen, who has already been lied to by Obama's taxpayer-subsidized lawyers who concealed from the court that more than 100,000 amnesty applications were illicitly, prematurely processed – is FED UP with this arrogant, self-serving administration… AND SO ARE WE. But Congress – GOP "leaders" in particular – are doing NOTHING to fight back as Obama floods America with illegal aliens' relatives – aka 'refugees' left behind by job-seekers – enabling THESE illegals to get green cards and a pathway to citizenship too! And it's not just children and spouses but a "financial unit" of a family including COUSINS, AUNTS, GRANDPARENTS, EVEN FAMILY FRIENDS – ANYONE IS WELCOME ABOARD THIS SOAK-THE-U.S.-TAXPAYER BANDWAGON! No doubt the border coyotes are SEETHING that Barack Obama is DOING THEIR JOB – RECRUITING AND TRANSPORTING ILLEGALS – FOR THEM! BUT WAIT! It gets even worse… Unlike LEGITIMATE "refugee" programs, there is no numerical limit to Obama's flood who will be admitted!
IT IS NOT JUST DEMOCRATS. Republican "leaders" and just run-of-the-mill Establishment quislings in bed with the Chamber of Commerce and cheap labor-seeking big business are REFUSING to honor their campaign promises to US. RIGHT NOW, we urgently need YOUR help putting Obama's Executive Amnesty front and center with EVERY federal legislator, while the media is paying attention to Judge Hanen's ruling and judicial decisions that will come out of the oral arguments held Apr. 12. We need YOU to BLAST each and every member of Congress to find those susceptible to reason and get their name on H. Con. Res. 28 declaring Obama's Executive amnesties UNCONSTITUTIONAL so that Hanen, our other judges and the national media know where Congress – and the American people – stand on this issue. Further, this will help draw a big, fat red line FIGHTING AMNESTY and knocking the fence-sitters off their safe perches, while turning up the pressure on quislings and fakes like running-for-reelection Sen. John McCain – whose AZ constituents are SICK OF FAKE RHETORIC and are READY FOR REAL BORDER SECURITY! IT MATTERS, because long before the dust has settled over LAST year's flood of illegal alien "refugees" chasing their Obama Amnesty golden ticket to the American dream, another tsunami is starting! The reckless stampede is spurred by the return of travel-friendly weather and Congress's refusal to STOP BARACK OBAMA and SECURE THE BORDER! We need YOUR voice to join with the hundreds of thousands who are POUNDING Congress without pause… DEMANDING SECURE BORDERS AND DEPORTATIONS! A Rasmussen Reports survey released Apr. 6 finds 83 percent of Americans said anybody should be required to prove they are "legally allowed" to be in the United States before receiving state or federal government services; 62 percent polled said the U.S. is "not aggressive enough" in deporting illegal aliens – a ten percent increase from last year – and 54 percent rejected automatic U.S. citizenship for the baby of an illegal born in the United States. Additionally, 51 percent said illegal immigrants with American born children SHOULD NOT BE EXEMPT FROM DEPORTATION – the whole premise of Obama's autocratic "Deferred Action for Parental Accountability," his DAPA Executive Amnesty! In contrast, just 15 percent believe Obama's current immigration policy is "about right." THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE – AMERICANS MASSIVELY REJECT OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE AMNESTY! Please, bring YOUR reality home to Washington, help us get Congress ON THE RECORD against Obama's unconstitutional amnesty – and HOLD THEM TO IT! According to a RAPIDLY OUTDATED Immigration and Customs Enforcement report, 12,509 illegal aliens under age 18 have been apprehended crossing our border since October. The Washington Examiner's Paul Bedard notes that this is the "second biggest surge in history after last year's"… It is NO SURPRISE as a mere one in six – 1 in 6 – are RETURNED to their country of origin while the remaining five are "booked in" and LET GO in the U.S., presumably "eligible" for some aspect of Obama's Executive Amnesty. According to the documents, they are coming at an average pace of 2,000 a month since October. "And this is supposed to be the slow time of year," said expert Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. "Cities and towns that have already received large numbers of unaccompanied illegal alien minors should brace themselves to repeat the process again in the coming months," she added. Vaughan predicts this year's total UAC – unaccompanied alien children – arrival will be 42,000, roughly 14,000 less than last year's RECORD Obama-instigated surge. That's not counting the ones NEVER CAUGHT. America is being systematically invaded and overrun…
And the first Republican budget plan in nearly a decade – doesn't do ANYTHING to stop Obama's Executive Amnesty or secure our border, even though our immigration crisis is the single biggest issue that won the GOP 'majority' status in the 114th Congress! BUDGET 'RECONCILIATION' STRATEGIES are being crafted RIGHT NOW in HOME DISTRICT OFFICES and on CAPITOL HILL – CONGRESS NEEDS TO REVISIT AND REVISE to actually STOP ILLEGAL EXECUTIVE AMNESTY and SAVE OUR JOBS! "Budget reconciliation" is NOT at the mercy of Obama and his claque of Democrat Kool-Aid drinkers. The New York Times reminds us: Unlike legislation, the spending plan Republicans will be creating this week requires only a majority vote in both the House and Senate, cannot be blocked by a filibuster and is not subject to presidential approval or veto. Congress shouldn't be squandering the political capital of non-negotiable Hyde amendment abortion language, or the Lynch confirmation, to advance "bipartisan immigration reform"… they should be using this budget reconciliation to CRUSH Obama's patently unconstitutional, unlawful, Executive Amnesty – and there should be NO debt ceiling vote until we get Obama's Amnesty DEFUNDED, amnesty  'bonuses' eliminated AND mandatory E-Verify enacted!
NO NDAA AMNESTY, NO DREAMER APPROPRIATIONS! DEMAND CONGRESS DEFUND OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE AMNESTY; INSIST OUR BORDER AND OUR JOBS BE SECURED! There are other, vital immigration enforcement bills in play. Case in point, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has introduced H.R. 1147, the Legal Workforce Act, requiring all employers use E-Verify within three years of enactment – even for day labor, and referral and recruitment. IF PASSED, this bill will protect your Social Security number from being "adopted" and ABUSED (stolen) by an illegal alien. It will protect JOBS for Americans – as many illegal immigrants WON'T BOTHER TO APPLY for E-Verified employment knowing that their stolen identities and forged documents WON'T WORK. And let's not forget, when illegal aliens couldn't find work during past years of financial crisis and low employment, MILLIONS LEFT – RETURNING TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN. We all know Obama has no intention of deporting illegal aliens already here OR of securing the border against increased illegal migration. Obama's Executive Amnesty in fact rolls out the red carpet a little wider, meaning YOUR JOB, YOUR LIVELIHOOD is AT RISK unless YOU help us fight back with legislation that puts CITIZENS FIRST, like H.R. 1147! H.R. 1147 has already passed Committee and is biding its time for a FLOOR VOTE. BOEHNER IS IN NO RUSH TO TAKE A STAND FOR THE AMERICAN WORKER – WE MUST LEAD THE WAY!
"Presidents should enforce the laws – not unilaterally rewrite them – and it's time for Congress to hold this administration accountable," Sasse said in a statement. "By preventing the Obama administration from issuing new Social Security Numbers to illegal aliens, the ABE Act would help restore the rule of law and save taxpayers billions of dollars."
This isn't about making sure illegals get their "fair share"… Obama and his fellow progressives want these future voters ready to "pay them back" at the election booth! The ABE Act would STOP IT – NO EXPANSION OF AMNESTY IN THE NDAA, AND LET'S NOT FORGET, H.R. 191 STALLED IN CONGRESS. IT WOULD ROLL BACK YEARS OF OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE AMNESTY. ALL CONGRESS HAS TO DO IS USE THE BUDGET LEVERAGE AT HAND… TO DO THE JOB WE ELECTED THEM TO DO! – STOP BARACK OBAMA! The Democrats have Boehner and McConnell completely on the run. And the GOP internally has NO vision or discipline for lack of leadership… They need a sense of "direction" and only YOUR petitions with VOTER-POWER behind them will jumpstart Congress to STOP OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE AMNESTY! To paraphrase the federal judge who court-ordered Obama to HALT his illicit, harmful amnesty agenda, once this genie is out of the bottle, it will be impossible to put back! MAKE SURE THE POWER OF THE PURSE PREVAILS. NO NDAA AMNESTY EXPANSION – NO AMNESTY APPROPRIATIONS! TODAY we need YOUR HELP to get this RINO-led Congress off the fence and rounding up Democratic votes… Not long ago even DEMOCRATS complained that Obama's November amnesty was going TOO FAR beyond the Constitutional scope of the Executive Branch. We need your help calling out these Democrats and getting them to DEFUND Obama's lawless AMNESTY. NOTHING WILL CHANGE WITHOUT YOU.
Data that the group obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) request from U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services shows that from 2009-2014, USCIS issued 5,461,568 NEW WORK PERMITS TO ILLEGALS. THAT IS 5.5 MILLION new competitors for American workers in the marketplace! This is an UNLAWFUL addition to the 1.1 million legal immigrants and 700,000 guest workers LAWFULLY admitted to the U.S. each year, reports Breitbart News. YOUR SENATORS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS MUST HEAR FROM YOU!
"I was astonished at the huge number of work permits that are being issued by the Obama administration outside the legal immigration system through executive discretion, especially at a time of high unemployment and stagnant wages," Jessica Vaughan, CIS' director of policy studies, said. "Besides the effect on the American worker, it encourages and rewards more illegal immigration." MAKE NO MISTAKE: ALL Obama's official amnesty decrees have been about legitimizing this "shadow" system THE LAW OF THE LAND – AND GIVING MORE OF OUR JOBS TO ILLEGALS. THIS MUST NOT STAND! Democrats are already rallying against the DHS bill amended to DEFUND Amnesty… They are mobilizing FILIBUSTER in the Senate – BUT THEY ARE GOING TO BE HARD-PRESSED TO JUSTIFY THIS LATEST OBAMA BETRAYAL – AND MORE AMNESTY – TO THEIR UNEMPLOYED CONSTITUENTS! HELP PUT THEM ON THE HOT-SEAT AND DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Our border security CHAMPION Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is already calling for a full investigation:
P.S. We know times are tight, but please consider making your best contribution to helping defeat the amnesty agenda on Capitol Hill by taking away the corporate lobby dollar advantage. No amount is too small either in the big picture fight to secure our borders or when it comes to defeating amnesty supporters in the next round of elections in their home districts. To make a donation, SELECT HERE. Secure Borders Coalition is a project of Americans United for Freedom, |